Mental Lifting Tricks

Mental Lifting Tricks

We all do it at times; we lose mental focus while training. Even the most seasoned lifters sometimes find their minds wandering or realize they’re just going through the motions in the gym. But what a lot of people don’t realize is that by really concentrating on the...
Finding The Right Training Partner

Finding The Right Training Partner

So, it turns out that the buddy system isn’t just for little kids crossing the street. This week I’m discussing how training with a partner can be a great idea and can help you get into shape faster. But there are some important things we need to consider to...
Over Training

Over Training

Over-training (OT) is going beyond the natural physical limitations of one’s body by training too much or too intensely. It can develop when the physical and emotional stresses placed upon an individual are greater than the coping and repair resources. Too much...
Why Do A Fitness Assessment

Why Do A Fitness Assessment

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the importance of completing a fitness assessment and a body composition test in order to create personalized fitness programs best suited for each individual. Assessments are vital for so many reasons, and it always boggles...
The 411 on Cardio

The 411 on Cardio

When to do cardio? This is an age-old question that we will turn to in this week’s blog post. In at nutshell, and to set the record straight, the short answer is “ it depends.” Not so helpful, I know… In general, there are three main times when people do cardio...